by Linda Veath
…any one who belongs to Christ has becomes a new person. The old life has gone; a new life has begun! ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT

There was something “different” about Christmas. Christ is always the center of it, of course. But 2020’s celebration was, somehow, influenced by a certain angst, a loneliness, even a restlessness that many of us had never experienced before.
My “gift received list” is a good example. It’s not uncommon for one of my friends to give me a blanket to snuggle in or a devotional to lift my spirits. But this year almost EVERYONE’S gifts were related to relaxation, calm, peace, etc. I received many simple, loving gifts designed to comfort me. I think we’re all hoping for a “better” 2021.
Did you know that New Year’s resolutions date back to the Babylonians, who made them into vows to appease their gods? Such acts were an attempt to secure an unknown future. Haven’t we all done that with a resolution? But it’s God who protects us from evil. He is with us, and He has the power to calm the waves no matter our storm. Even a burden can become a blessing if we take it as a gift from Him.
Most of us are hoping that things will be different this year than in 2020. But the most important thing to remember is that we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. He will be with us.