by Linda Veath
House arrest. Again. My friend’s new hip popped out of place for the second time and now she is confined to her house, with several weeks of limited activity prior to another surgery. A surgery where her doctors will insert “padding” into her hip socket.
“So the padding makes it fit tighter?” I asked, refraining from adding a comment about not using the right size for the first hip replacement.
As I shook my head, that thought kicked my imagination into gear, and a picture popped into my head. I saw an operating room with stacks of “hip boxes” in various sizes, and I could hear a surgeon say …..
Let’s try a size 8.
No. That’s too small. How about a size 9?
Nope. Is there an 8 1/2 in there somewhere?
I could visualize a nurse digging through the boxes and wondered … just how do they figure out what size hip (or knee or shoulder) is needed for replacement surgery? I guess a one-size-fits-all won’t work.
I do know one thing. I don’t want to find out how it works any time soon. But I also know how thankful I am that we have a one-size-fits-all God. He doesn’t give us His love based on how big or small we are. How rich or poor we are. How many wrinkles we have or the color of our hair. He’s not going to ration His love based on our shoe size (or our hip size). Or even how smart we are.
Nor does He ration His forgiveness based on those things. Or based on the particular sins we commit. Because of God’s everlasting love, He sent His Son Jesus to be the atoning sacrifice for all our sins. Big or small. They all need forgiveness. One size fits all. Jesus’ death and resurrection opened the way for us to spend eternity with Him. His love and forgiveness fits each of us perfectly. And that should send us to our knees in adoration and thanksgiving for our God’s amazing, one-size-fits-all love. Now, to only get back up again ……