By Linda Veath

refugeI hung up the phone with a big sigh of relief. My friend in Florida was safe. Her area had missed the destructive winds of Hurricane Matthew. My “thank You, Lord” was quickly followed with a prayer for all those who were in its path.

We don’t know why some were unscathed while others lost everything. But what we do know is that God was with them through it all. He was there in the calm. But He was also there in the storm, displaying His power and majesty.

In Job, we are told that God generates thunder with His majestic voice

[Job 37:4] and tells the lightning where to strike [36:32]. We also know from Job that God speaks to us out of the storm [38:1]. The Psalmist reminds us that God’s lightning lights up the world [Psalm 77:18-20]. And according to Nahum [1:3] God’s way is in the whirlwind and the storm. Now that’s power—earth shaking power. Amazing power.

What is even more amazing is that a God this powerful and majestic cares about all the “moments” of our lives. Not just hurricane moments but the moment illness or death strikes a loved one. Or when our spouse’s infidelity shakes our world. When the loss of our job floods us with fear of how to pay our bills.

In those moments He is our refuge in the storm [Isaiah 4:6 and 25:4]. When we call to Him in the midst of the thunder, He answers us [Psalm 81:7]. He can even quiet the storm raging around us if it is His will [Mark 4:39-41].

[ctt title=”God is a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain. Isaiah 4:6″ tweet=”God is a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain. Isa. 4:6” coverup=”kYTcI”]

Yes, the One who controls nature, who thunders with power and majesty, also holds each one of us in His Hand in all the moments of our lives. Just like He holds the sparrows.

Do not be afraid … . Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. ~ Matthew 10:28-31 NIV

If you are going through one of those moments in your life and need to be reminded of what the sparrows already know, listen to Jason Gray’s beautiful song “Sparrows.” And then rest in the promise that God is holding you, along with His sparrows, in His hand, always.

Continued prayers for all of those affected by Hurricane Matthew.