by Linda Veath
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. ~ Romans 8:26-27 NIV
My two dogs and I were snuggled in bed, starting our usual early morning prayer time. But it was one of those mornings when my brain was having trouble getting thoughts put together, requests made, sins addressed, etc. My prayers seemed so disjointed. No. Make that totally discombobulated. I finally threw my hands up and said, “Okay, Lord. Please edit my prayer to say what You already know I’m trying to say.”
Wait a minute. Edit? Did I just ask God to edit my prayers? I chuckled as I realized that is exactly what the Holy Spirit does. He edits our prayers.
Writers have editors review their manuscripts for words and thoughts that become discombobulated. A good editor can un-discombobulate them. Once the manuscript has been edited, it’s ready to be submitted to a publisher as a finished product. Just like the Holy Spirit, Who knows the cries of our hearts. He hears our words and orders them according to the perfect plan of God, no matter what we are praying about—and He submits those edited prayers to God as a finished product.
What peace that should bring to us in our prayer time. Instead of becoming discouraged with our discombobulated prayers, we can rest peacefully in the Holy Spirit’s presence, knowing our prayers will go to the Lord in perfect order. And, we can rest in the knowledge that however our prayers are answered will be according to God’s perfect will.
Thank You, O Holy Spirit, for editing our prayers and submitting them to our Father as we rest peacefully in Him. Amen.