by Linda Veath
Did you make any resolutions this year? How many of them have you already broken? We want to start new each January, and that’s admirable. Yet, we often find so little time to think about our new goals that we allow other thoughts and activities to take control.
Perhaps our intentions were good. But our schedule (and our family’s schedules) are full and hectic. And before we know it, our resolutions have fallen by the wayside.
I quit making “resolutions” several years ago because of something I read that put it in perspective. Now my goal for each new year is to “live for Jesus!” That’s it. That’s what matters most. And it leaves all of my time to do what God intends for me to do, this year and every year of my life.
[ctt title=”Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. ~ Colossians 3:2 NIV” tweet=”Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. ~ Colossians 3:2 NIV via @DivineDetour” coverup=”zc1Pr”]
Thinking about Jesus. I like that goal/resolution. To have a mind full of thoughts about Jesus! We can think all year long and never get tired of thinking about Him. Part of that thinking may be about heaven. And what it will be like. We don’t know particulars, but we know it will be amazing, awesome, bright, perfect. No more tears. No death or sorrow.
As I finish writing this, I am sitting in my rocking chair, sipping hot chocolate, and looking out the window at the beautiful snow. All seven inches of it. I love it! God’s glorious creation. Hmmmm. Will there be snow in heaven? I don’t know. But I do know that when we arrive in heaven one day, we will be whiter than the snow. All because of Jesus, and that’s a great thought for the New Year.
God’s blessings to you as you turn your thoughts to Jesus each day.