Barbara Cameron is the bestselling author of more than thirty-five fiction and non-fiction books and three nationally-televised movies. She is recipient of the first RWA Golden Heart Award and a past finalist for two ACFW Carol Awards. She has a number of books releasing this year, including a new Bible study guide, Her Restless Heart: A Woman’s Longing for Love and Acceptance, and several novels.

Barbara currently resides in Edgewater, Florida.

What sparked your writing journey?

I started writing in my senior year of high school. An English teacher encouraged me. That year I began a sort of mini-internship at the local newspaper, got a job as a copy kid (glorified go-fer), then became a reporter while I attended college. I loved that newspaper and thought it was DisneyWorld . . . I worked there until I had a family and wanted to stay home. After the kids started attending preschool I began writing fiction and non-fiction.

Has God ever provided an unexpected “detour” in your life that turned out to be positive?

I went back to college to complete an interrupted degree and began teaching high school, then college. I had returned to teach high school and wasn’t very happy with what changes teachers faced in public school and the particular school I was at was a particularly difficult one. Then my county laid off hundreds of teachers and I looked at this as a chance to take a deep breath, trust God, and maybe I’d get to return to writing where I have always been the happiest. Two months later I sold my first Christian stories.

How does your faith play into your work?

I love writing about the Amish because I get to show how they make faith a part of everyday life. My job is not to try to insert a heavy handed message in my work. I feel the story will show it.

Let’s talk about Her Restless Heart Women’s Bible Study: A Woman’s Longing for Love & Acceptance (Abingdon Press, March 2013). Please tell us about it.

Sally Sharpe, an editor at Abingdon Press, wrote me and asked if I would be interested in being part of their new Faith in Fiction series. She felt Her Restless Heart, the first book in the Stitches in Time series, would be good for it. Melody Carlson had done the first Faith in Fiction Bible study and I loved it. I’m so pleased and proud of the Her Restless Heart Bible Study project. Susan, Lori Jones, and so many people did a wonderful job with it.

Why do you think women are “restless”?

Women become restless because we are constantly taking care of the needs of others. We need to pursue God and our own dreams which He has given us.

How do you believe we can best hear God’s voice, allowing Him to speak to us and to influence our lives?

We can only hear God’s voice when we become still and we try not to tell Him how to help us.

God often uses our writing to teach us something. What did you learn (about life, faith, and/or even yourself) in the process of putting this project together?

I learn something with every book I write and every project I take on. I was hesitant about the video part of the project. I’ve been filmed before but haven’t been involved in a DVD. I’m so glad I pushed myself to do it. Having Sally there and a film crew that was patient with me helped, too!

A few fun questions…

When the words aren’t flowing—or when you want to celebrate if they are—what is your favorite comfort food and why?

I have fallen in love with the chicken salad on a croissant and a cruller at Dunkin Donuts. The bonus is that it’s a nice drive to go there so I often take one of my Chihuahuas with me and we make it a nice break.

This website features musicians as well as writers. Do you have musical, as well as literary, talent?

I’m afraid I’m not musical at all. I sing very softly in public places like church so as to not hurt the ears of those around me. I studied piano and accordion when I was a child but wasn’t good at either activity.

If you were a song, what kind of song would you be?

A song of encouragement. My favorite hymn is Amazing Grace. It gives me hope that people can change. The history of the hymn is that the man who wrote it was transporting slaves. He heard them singing a spiritual song one night and turned the ship around and took them home.

In the story that is your life, are you the strong, female lead; the girl next door; the mysterious woman behind dark glasses; the super heroine; or the little girl trying to walk in high heels?

I’m the strong female lead. I’m an introvert but I usually end up being the one in charge when no one will step up.

I’m a dog lover. Please tell us about your pets, if any, or your favorite pet as a child.

I have three Chihuahuas I got from the shelter or rescue organizations. I currently foster two Chi/terrier mixes for a rescue organization. I hope they’ll be adopted soon. I’m finding five small dogs is a bit much! My favorite dog growing up was a Pekingese. My dad believed every kid needed a dog.

Thank you, Barbara! It’s a pleasure to have you as a guest at DivineDetour. May God continue to bless your work for Him.

Thank you for having me!

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For more information about Barbara, visit her website at

To purchase Her Restless Heart Women’s Bible Study: A Woman’s Longing for Love & Acceptance Participant Book, Leader Guide, and/or DVD, logon to: