by Linda Cox

I repositioned my glasses on my nose for the umpteenth time. What gives? Suddenly things seemed a bit blurry. For three days I kept adjusting the glasses, cleaning the lenses, even tightening the screws, but nothing helped. Things were still slightly blurred.

Just what I needed. Not! My glasses were only nine months old . . . But if my eyes had changed . . . I sighed.

And I cleaned my glasses one more time.

As I looked at them—really looked at them, the word “idiot” flashed through my mind. I have to wear the old glasses to see to clean the new ones. And since they are both very similar in design, somewhere along the way I had mixed up my glasses. I couldn’t see clearly because I was looking through the old lenses.

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

~ 1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV

Looking through those old lenses blurred my vision just like our vision here on earth is somewhat blurred. Not quite clear. No matter how hard we try, life on earth remains slightly blurry, especially when we are going through difficult times, when we don’t understand why things are happening. We only see in part here.

But one day, when we are in heaven with Jesus, we will see clearly, in full. We’ll know what we need to know and we’ll understand what we need to understand.

AND not only will we see fully, but we will be fully known by our Lord. He sees us clearly all the time, but life on earth can even blur our understanding of that. In heaven we’ll realize what it is to be fully known by the Savior who conquered death and the grave that we might live with Him in heaven forever.

Yes, I see much better now that I am wearing my new glasses. But even with them, nothing I see—nothing any of us see while here on earth—will compare with what we will see someday in heaven.

Linda Cox is a regular contributor to DivineDetour. She recently retired after twenty-five years as a district office secretary for the State of Illinois. Her first loves are studying the Bible and reading, but she occasionally tries her hand at writing. Her work is published in All My Bad Habits I Learned from Grandpa (Thomas Nelson),The One-Year Life Verse Devotional (Tyndale), Life Lessons from Grandparents (Write Integrity), Love Is a Verb (a devotional from Bethany House), and Chicken Soup for the Soul’s I Can’t Believe My Dog Did That. She lives in a small town in the Midwest with the “Bone Mafia,” her two indoor/outdoor mutts.