by Linda Veath
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. ~ Isaiah 40:11 NIV
It quickly became our morning routine. I’d get up when the alarm across the room sounded. But I’d return to bed shortly. For SNUGGLE and PRAYER TIME!!!!!! My two large, furry dogs and I would snuggle. And pray. Snuggle. And pray. And then snuggle some more. I’ve never figured out who loves it more—me or them. What a way to start a day!!!!!
Not only is it a “warm fuzzy” from the pups but it’s also a beautiful reminder of the intimacy we have with the Lord. Deuteronomy 13:4 (KJV) tells us to “walk after the Lord … fear Him … keep His commandments … obey His voice … serve Him … and CLEAVE
Yes, the God Who made the universe,
Who controls all things,
Who knows all things,
Who is everywhere ….
The God Who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Who looks down from His throne of majesty in heaven.
that very same God wants to carry us close to His heart.
Aren’t there times in your life when that is all you want?
When you are afraid ….
When you are lonely …..
When you’ve been betrayed …..
When you hurt and can’t stop crying …..
When you are just plain tired …..
When you need to be reminded that you are loved and forgiven?
And when God draws us close to His heart, we are filled with
His courage and strength
His companionship
His security and safety
His compassion and warmth
His love and mercy
His forgiveness.
So, go ahead. Spend some intimate time with God …….
Cleave to Him in song—even if it is off key.
Cling to Him as you read His Holy Word—even if your memory isn’t that good any more.
Snuggle with Him in prayer—even if all you can pray is “Jesus, Jesus.”
[ctt title=”And (Jesus) took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them.” tweet=”And Jesus took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them. ~ Mark 10:16 NIV” coverup=”0qeSP”]