by Susan G. Mathis

Nature has a unique way of drawing you close to the Creator. Whether it’s the fragrance of a blooming rose or the metamorphosis of a butterfly, one cannot deny the amazing work of an Almighty God.
Butterflies have always fascinated me, so I had to include their created wonder in my latest novel, Devyn’s Dilemma. Here’s a short excerpt:
“Don’t you just love this spot on the island?” Marjorie’s return made Devyn whirl around. “Smell this. It’s scrumptious.” She extended the pink rose she held for Devyn to whiff. “Only God could create such a heavenly scent, don’t you think? Perfumers cannot recreate it, no matter how hard they try.”
Devyn closed her eyes and took in the fragrance. “It’s heavenly, all right.” When she opened them, she noticed several cocoons in the corner of the pergola roof. “Look!” She pointed as Miss Marjorie took a seat on one of the chaise lounges and followed Devyn’s finger with her gaze.
Marjorie planted a finger on her chin. “They are monarchs, I believe, since the chrysalis is that bright green. Last month, I noticed dozens of caterpillars around here but thought little of it.” She paused and stared up for a few moments. “Do you know that the pupa sheds its skin and hangs upside down, changing from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly in less than a month? Then they fly free before migrating to their southern home. Some say all the way to Mexico!”

Devyn looked up from picking a few fading blossoms off the vine. “Really? Can tiny creatures truly fly that far?”
Marjorie nodded. “Scientists are still studying them, but yes, that’s what I’ve read. I suppose they ride on the breeze a good bit of their trip, stopping to eat lots of milkweed along the way.”
Devyn stepped closer to the cocoons and counted them. “Six. I hope to see them hatch one day. They are magnificent creatures, to be sure.”
Marjorie stared at Devyn until she grew uncomfortable. Then Miss Marjorie smiled. “I think you’re rather like that pupa, ready to emerge as a beautiful butterfly.” She paused before continuing. “You’ve lived a caterpillar’s life, crawling on your belly as it were and appearing to be something to be crushed rather than who you truly are. You’ve lived in the shadows — in a cocoon — for far too long. And now you can go through the metamorphosis of becoming a beautiful butterfly who can catch the wind and bring beauty to the world.”
What about you? How is God transforming your life? Are you a caterpillar, crawling on your belly? A pupa in a cocoon? Or a butterfly flying free? Whatever stage you might be in, God knows. And God’s got a plan!
Check out Devyn’s Dilemma, Book 2 of the Thousand Islands Gilded Age series!
Devyn McKenna is forced to work in the Towers on Dark Island, one of the enchanting Thousand Islands. But when Devyn finds herself in service to the wealthy Frederick Bourne family, her life takes an unexpected turn.
Brice McBride is Mr. Bourne’s valet as well as the occasional tour guide and under butler. Brice tries to help the mysterious Devyn find peace and love in her new world, but she can’t seem to stay out of trouble — especially when she’s accused of stealing Bourne’s money for Vanderbilt’s NYC subway expansion.
About the author:
Susan G. Mathis is an award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate New York. Susan’s first two books in The Thousand Islands Gilded Age series, Devyn’s Dilemma and Katelyn’s Choice are available now, and she’s working on book three. The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, and Sara’s Surprise are also available. Visit Susan’s website for more information. Follow Susan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and/or Pinterest.
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