by Linda Veath
For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. — Ezra 7:10 NIV
Dog Speak. It doesn’t take most dog people too long to develop their own special language with their pets — Dog Speak. Words and phrases develop as time goes by and become a means of communication between us and our pets.
A good example is a phrase that is now in my personal Dog Speak Dictionary. When I would get ready to leave, I’d tell the dogs “I’ll be back.” That evolved into “I’ll be right back.” It didn’t take took long and it became “I’ll be rightsy back.” And finally, it ended up in my dictionary as “I’ll be rightsy back-back.” Hey, the dogs understand. No problem.
Until that fateful day when a friend accompanied me on a shopping trip. At one stop, she opted to stay in the car while I quickly ran into one store. As I stepped out of the car and shut the door, I said to her, “I’ll be rightsy back-back.” As I walked away, I shook my head and wondered what my friend was thinking.
While this incident brought lots of laughs, it also made me think. My “I’ll be rightsy back-back” came naturally, easily in my conversation. Oh to be able to praise God as naturally and easily as that.
And we can. By reading and studying God’s Word. Over and over again. I ran across the following several years ago: Reading the Bible through once is never enough and reading it over and over again is never too much.
[ctt title=”The more we read and study the Bible, the more we love it, the more we delight in it, the more we obey it, and the more readily it comes to our lips to speak it.” tweet=”The more we read and study the Bible, the more we love it, the more we delight in it, the more we obey it, and the more readily it comes to our lips to speak it.” coverup=”LKSaq”]
May we like Ezra devote ourselves to the study of God’s Word, and like Jeremiah find it to be our joy and our hearts’ delight. Our own God Speak given to us by God Himself.
When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight. — Jeremiah 15:16 NIV
For those of you who would like to find a good Bible reading plan, visit My personal favorite reading plan is the Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan found at