I was on my way home when a police car pulled in behind me. My mind immediately shifted into “guilt” mode as I replayed everything I had done (or might not have done) in the past few blocks.
Turn signal on . . . lights working . . . tags up-to-date.
I could think of nothing that would warrant a reprimand. I had followed every rule and regulation. Yet, I wondered, had I fallen short somehow? My fate rested in the fear of the unknown.
No doubt we’ve all been there at some time, because man’s justice system is less than perfect—as is our ability to follow the law.
But how different man’s justice is from God’s. As Christians, though imperfect, we are justified through Christ. No questions asked. No matter what our transgression, we are free to go.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2
Additional references:
Romans 10:4
Philippians 3:9