by Linda Veath

Photo by Storyblocks
It was only a smile …….. but someone noticed.
My regular night nurse had left at midnight. A young woman from India took his place. She spent extra time straightening my bed, giving me a wonderful bed bath, getting juice and pills for me, etc. I felt so much better and told her how much I appreciated her help.
She said she was happy to do it for me. That I smiled at her, and other staff. She went on to say how they appreciated it when people thanked them for their work and smiled at them. Sadly, she shared, it was not like that with most patients.
We talked a long time that morning before she went off duty. She was looking forward to her days off so she could spend them with her little boy. Before she left, we both smiled and said “thank you” once again.
I was happy that God had given me the opportunity to realize the value of a smile.
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart… – Proverbs 15:30 (NLT)
A cheerful heart is good medicine… – Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)
Joy not only to my heart but the hearts of others.
My room in ICU had glass walls so I could see everybody as they passed by. Many waved at me, and I at them. Nothing big. But it doesn’t have to be big, does it?
Having a heart that was “good medicine” was special to me because I was in ICU recovering from heart valve surgery. The smiles I exchanged with others turned into literal good medicine.
Our Lord puts joy in our hearts when we believe in Him as our Savior. And a ripple-effect begins as we share our joy with others, no matter where we are. Even in the hospital.
Think of all the people you can smile at every day. The clerk at the grocery store. Your mail carrier. An elderly neighbor. A first responder. Your children.
While it may be only a simple smile, it can bring joy to your heart – and theirs. May someone’s smile bring joy to your heart today.