by Linda Veath

Linda with her parents, Bud and Marie Veath
Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of His might, and because He is strong in power not one is missing. ~ Isaiah 43:1 ESV
I blinked back tears as I looked at the woman lying in repose. She had been a long-time friend of my parents. Now, I was saying good-bye to her too.
After talking with her children, I approached her sister and introduced myself. She responded with a blank stare, finally apologizing for not knowing who I was.
“I’m Bud and Marie’s kid,” I said.
Her face lit up, and she grabbed my hands, gushing fond memories of my parents.
A few minutes later, after I finally sat down for the memorial service, I couldn’t stop thinking about my introduction. Bud and Marie’s kid. The memories made me smile. Yet a sadness crept in, and I realized it wouldn’t be long before no one was left to remember me in that way.
That’s when God reminded me. I am first—and foremost—His kid. And, unlike those who are now just passing through our earthly journey, He will never forget my name.
Or whose kid I am.
Yes, the One Who calls each of the stars by name will also call each of us by name. The ESV Study Bible notation for Isaiah 40:26 estimates that there are approximately ten billion trillion stars in the sky “… [And] the God who created all of these, the Holy One of Israel, even calls them all by name and ensures that ‘not one is missing.’”
Wow! We serve a God Who not only remembers each star but will always remember each of us. He will never lose us. And in His wisdom and power, He will carry out His purposes in our lives.
Even though someday I won’t be remembered as “Bud and Marie’s kid,” our God—Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer—will always remember who I am. And, who you are. And those who trust in Him for their salvation will never go missing.