Don’t miss the Christian Authors Network Scavenger Hunt, July 17-23.
Want to win prizes and learn more about a great group of Christian authors?
Join the Christian Authors Network 2016 Scavenger Hunt and collect clues to enter to win prizes, including a grand prize — a library of books from a list of Christian authors that includes Rebecca Ondov, Sandra Orchard, Davalynn Spencer, Winnie Griggs, Kathy Collard Miller, Sarah Sundin, Dianne Barker, Lena Nelson Dooley, Darlene Franklin, Anne Greene, Linda Kozar, Sherry Kyle, Jocelyn Green, Cheri Cowell, Margaret Brownley, Susan G. Mathis, Angie Breidenbach, Linda White, PeggySue Wells, Pam Farrel, Kathy Ide, Elizabeth Goddard, Janet Bly, Miralee Ferrel and more!
To learn more about the scavenger hunt, log on here for details. ‘The hunt” begins at 12:01 a.m. Eastern, July 17.