Linda Glaz is a wife, a mom, a writer, and an agent for the Hartline Literary Agency. In her “spare” time, she works three days a week in a physical therapy clinic. She’s also a former Air Force meteorologist. And she has taught soccer, karate, and self-defense, and has sung in and directed church and community musicals.
With that many hats, it’s no wonder Linda dreams up book plots for two different publishers, Heartsong Presents (three releases this year) and White Rose Publishing. Her latest novel from White Rose, Miss FishFly (yes, we’ll explore the genesis of that unique title), released earlier this month.
You’re involved in two different aspects of the publishing business. What sparked your writing journey?
Oh, I just have to write the ideas that spring into my head. I started my first suspense because of worrying about my daughter sleeping over at a birthday party. Any bit of news or out of the ordinary just automatically becomes a story idea in my head.
Has God ever provided an unexpected “detour” in your life that turned out to be positive?
Yes, when Terry (Burns of the Hartline Literary Agency) asked me to be his editorial assistant. I had no idea I would end up an agent one day. Not sure if that’s good or bad.
How does your faith play into your work?
Oh, even in secular novels I’ve written, they come from a Christian worldview, because it’s as much a part of my life in writing as in anything else I do.
Let’s talk about your new book, Miss FishFly (White Rose Publishing, July 2013). Please tell us about it—and the title.
I love wounded heroes and heroines. Because that’s real life.
Originally, I started this scenario with Polar Bear Plunge, which came out in December of 2011, and one of the patients in the clinic where I used to work part time came in one day and said, “Well, what happened to them? There was a marriage, right? And the other people?” And each time she came in, she asked the same thing. So I told her one day I’d sit down and give her complete closure for all the folks in the story. I figured I’d dash off a few hundred words and just email it to her. Instead, I found that the rest of the characters had their own story to tell. And that’s how the sequel, Miss Fishfly, came about.
We have a festival in town in honor of the fishfly, and the queen is called Miss Bayrama, but I always teased my daughter-in-law, Ruth, who was Miss Bayrama, that she was actually Miss Fishfly and promised one day to write a story about the notorious insect. I just KNOW she appreciates it.
God often uses our stories to teach us when we’re writing them. What did you learn (about life, faith, and/or even yourself) in the process of writing this book?
That no matter how tough a life you’ve lived, God can use you, can change you, can offer you hope.
A few fun questions…
When the words aren’t flowing—or when you want to celebrate if they are—what is your favorite comfort food and why?
Oh, chocolate, of course, but I quit eating sugar and grains over a year ago, so I’ve had to become very creative. I love Russell Stover sugar free chocolate and I make an awesome iced mocha coffee. But food of any kind is my kind of food!
What’s the name of the last GREAT book you read and why?
Double Vision by Randy Ingermanson. Very, very good read. I’m actually just finishing it. And it’s one of those that it makes me upset to have to put it down for whatever reason.
This website features musicians as well as writers. Do you have musical, as well as literary, talent?
I love to sing, in the very low, low, low register. Love theatre. So I’ve combined the two loves together. Did church musicals and community theatre until time constraints prevented it.
If you were a song, what kind of song would you be?
Oh, probably some blues or jazz. Yeah, jazz.
In the story that is your life, are you the strong, female lead; the girl next door; the mysterious woman behind dark glasses; the super heroine; or the little girl trying to walk in high heels?
I think in all honesty, a little of both, depending on the circumstances. I think we’re all little girls inside trying to figure out where we belong, but put (me) in front of a group to teach, and I’m the strong female lead. Ask my kids, and you’d probably hear Super Woman, but I have them fooled. : )
I’m a dog lover. Please tell us about your pets, if any, or your favorite pet as a child.
We always had dogs when I was young, but I don’t have time for a needy pet at this time. But we ended up with my youngest’s cat when she and her husband went away to school. The cat has real associative issues and doesn’t like it when we upset her schedule, so I guess I got the needy pet after all.
Thanks, Linda! It’s great to have you as a guest at DivineDetour.
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For more information about Linda, visit her website.
To purchase Miss FishFly and/or other books by Linda, logon to:
I am in the middle of reading the road to mercy which I am finding hard to put down, so I would love to win this book to read next.
Thanks, Karen! Good luck with the drawing!
I have loved the title since I first heard it. Now I know where it came from. And a little more about you. I think Super woman about covers it. Thanks for sharing some of your life with us, Linda. Oh, and if you like singing – and mysteries, try my MURDER A CAPPELLA. It’s set during the international singing competition of the Sweet Adelines.
This sounds so cute! I love the title and would love to win.
Enjoyed your interview & would love to read/win your book! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Another great book title, Jim! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, Veronica! Good luck with the drawing. The winner’s name will post tomorrow!
Hey, Bonnie! Thanks for stopping by this afternoon!
Congratulations to Jim. You’ve won a copy of Miss FishFly. We will be in touch via email.
Thanks to everyone who left a comment. Be blessed!